Generative AI for Content Creation

Creative assistance
with Generative AI

Supercharge your marketing function with Generative AI. Generate new campaign concepts and multi-modal content, allowing creatives to focus on refining strategic concepts, brand differentiation + accelerating critical marketing functions.

Generative AI Creative Assistance

Of marketing teams are already using GenAI to help with content marketing

Of marketers plan on increasing investment in content marketing in 2024

Of marketing leaders report content strategy as their top challenge

Of media planners report using content to connect with customers as a top goal

Create the content your customers want.

Campaign strategy planning: Receive suggestions to incorporate into your marketing campaign, such as topics, content pieces, and channels.

Content search and retrieval: Use Vision AI and Generative AI to easily navigate and search your content, image and video archives to use for future content.

Agency briefing: Rapidly create agency briefs that match any templates and contain all the required information for your marketing campaign.

Multi-modal content creation: Use multi-modal content creation to rapidly create various forms of content, such as blogs, images, and video with text prompts.

Translation + localization: Translate + localize content to suit different languages, cultures, and regions, while preserving brand voice and messaging.

Campaign analytics: Query your content and marketing analytics using natural language to provide quick summaries of campaign performance.

Hyper-personalization: Develop hyper-personalized content tailored to specific audiences and make tweaks automatically depending on the target audience.

Safe, responsible and unbiased content: Use Generative AI guardrails to ensure content is safe and unbiased, avoiding the risk of Generative AI.

Social media scheduling: Optimize your content scheduling across platforms, using previous analytics data and information on target audiences.

Better content, better results.

Decrease time to value with rapid content creation, meaning better results and faster content development cycles

Increase revenue and brand loyalty by providing your users with more personalized and engaging content

Reduce manual effort required, leading to cost savings, and more engaging work for marketing employees

Content creation
with Generative AI

Watch to see how our leading retail client used Generative AI to automatically write product descriptions for its online store, in over 20 languages.


We’ve developed a range of packages to help you make progress on your Generative AI journey, no matter where your business currently is. Datatonic’s Content + Marketing Agent enables you to rapidly build a custom solution to start seeing real results fast.

Élaborez votre feuille de route GenAI en examinant les besoins les plus importants de votre entreprise et la manière dont ils pourraient être résolus grâce à des cas d'utilisation potentiels de l'IA générative.

Évaluer si votre cas d'utilisation de la GenAI est prêt pour la production en fonction des meilleures pratiques en matière de fiabilité, d'évolutivité et de sécurité.

Démontrez la valeur de votre concept dans un cadre réduit, recueillez les exigences et créez une feuille de route pour la production.

Mettre en production votre solution GenAI en utilisant les meilleures pratiques en matière d'architecture, de sécurité et de CI/CD.

Favoriser l'adoption par le biais d'une assistance à la production englobant la gestion du cycle de vie du modèle, la surveillance et l'amélioration.

Demande de renseignements

Datatonic propose plusieurs solutions d'IA générative, allant d'ateliers pour explorer les possibilités de GenAI sur Google Cloud, à la mise en œuvre d'un modèle d'IA générative entièrement personnalisé, en passant par une plateforme GenOps gérée.